Saturday, December 5, 2009

First Snow

Dear Everett,
We have had our first snow on the farm. Just a light dusting-1 inch and it is beautiful. The Christmas wreath on the barn is newly visible with the snow. The house is warm and newly insulated. When we were insulating, Everett, we found a statue of Rebecca under the crawl space (along with nine doors and some screens for the windows!). What was her purpose? Love, LE

Monday, November 30, 2009


Dear Everett,
The sunrise out the bathroom window and the kitchen window is a thin strip of red and orange, gorgeous silk laid over the trees and felled corn. When I let the animals out they all pause, perhaps to let their eyes adjust or perhaps to inhale as I do the new day wrapped in colorful tissue and presented to us. Thank you for another beautiful day on the farm.-LE

Sunday, November 29, 2009

Dear Everett

Dear Everett,
We have had several parties here already-The great Pumpkin Hunt, a housewarming party and now Thanksgiving. I am thankful for you and your beautiful home. Thanks for saving it for us.
I will try and find a barn roofer tomorrow to put the ridge on the big barn-I found the ridge buried in some black cap bushes next to the barn-obscured by leaves, but when all fell-there it all was. The big barn is in okay shape Everett-partial new roof. But I have to ask you how to get rid of all that hay? I need to look your obituary up and discover the circumstances re: said death. There was still hay out for the cows to eat...

Dear Everett

Dear Everett,

We've bought your Farm. I am discovering new things each day about The Farm and you.
The statue of Rebecca buried under the crawl space. The painted rocks , red, white and blue around the milk house. The iron bed. Bottles and bottles of maalox in Tobacco Barn 2. The pink paint under the sink and under the paint on the claw foot tub. Everyone we meet responds when we describe the old Farmhouse and farm we've purchased, "Oh, you mean Everett's place?"
I intend to Blog about all of this-as we have just figured out how to procure the "internets"-it's been two months plus without-which has been okay. You would have not had a computer, perhaps a TV?
Sincerely, LE